Monday 25 August 2014


What will you be thinking when we talk about rain and what is your emotion that relate to it normally? Many people will think about sadness emotion when it relate to rain. Probably it is just because of the raindrops is very similar with our tears.
However this is just what we see and we should not describe as how it look like. Instead, we should focus on the effects that rain bring to us. In the other hand, rain can be feel as happiness too. Except sadness, rain can also lead to the emotion of joy. The sound of the raindrops that drop on the floor can be known as a relaxing music. It make us forget about our troubles for a moment when we are just listening to the beautiful sound of nature. Furthermore, the sound of the raindrops will make us sleep even well. Rain is a joy for those who live in the arid area.
Therefore, why must we always say that raining is sad. We should see things in a different perspective. We should not describe the things as how it look like in the direct way. We should look at it deeper and it can be meaningful to some of the people. Moreover, we should not follow the feeling of what the majority say but follow our heart. We must know how a thing mean to our feeling. 


The elders used to say we should appreciate food and no wastage on food. They always remind us there are people out there which lack of food especially in the African country. Most of the African child die because they have no enough food to survive. The elder always remind us that we are lucky to have enough food and we should finish the whole portion of our meal and appreciate food.
However, food can bring many negative effects to us also. Many people die because of their health problem and food is the main source that lead them to death. For examples, the cholesterol of the food make us having heart disease. And also, the sugar that containing in the food make us having diabetes. Besides, if we appreciate the food and we will eat more, so the more weight we gain. Food is definitely not a good friend to girl. The nice body shape of a girl will be gone and this will leave a bad impression to the guys.
Basically food is thing that should not be appreciate. It is a non living things but just a death body from the animals or the plants. Food is just simply a thing that we should not so concern for wasting. Food may be a things that very valuable to certain country. However most of the people in the world having health problem is because of the negative effects of the food and it even lead people to death. Therefore, the negative effect of appreciate food is much more than positive. Except food is the main source to help us survive, it is not a valuable things for us to appreciate.  

Look Back!

Some of the people used to say don't look back for the things that have passed. What has passed is our past and we live in the present. Moreover they said we have no point to look backward and think it again. They also mention that do not look back if you want to success.
But if we try to think about it in the other way, how can we correct our mistake if we do not look back of what we did? We could not learn from the past if we agree with the opinion of never look back. If a person was went through their past happily they will not mention the word never look back. In the other hand, people who always mention is probably because of there are something bad happened to them in the past and they afraid of it will happen again. They try to avoid to think it back and just ignore about it. This is the reason why they always say never look back.
But in reality, we should learn things and improve it by referring to the past. We should change and learn our mistake from the past. For the people who always mention do not look at the past is the one that should do it actually. They should accept the fact that things that has happened instead of do not care about it at all. It is same as the reason that why we have to study history. It is because of we need to learn from the past by referring it. Although it might have pain in it, but this is the only way we can change to a better person by comparing the present with the past. 

Monday 11 August 2014


The easiest way to understand a person is through communication. Communication play a quite important role in social. Although it bring benefit to us but sometimes it can also bring the negative issue to us such as quarrel. Quarrel will happen when two people are misunderstanding between each other. Sometimes quarrel can be avoid. It just depend on whether the person want to start the quarrel. When one person is not intended to start quarrel but influence by others, they will start to argue also. Besides, our mood can control what we want to do. When we are in bad mood, we are more likely to start quarrel with someone to vent our emotion. Besides, how often of one person quarrel with others is depend on how much education of the person have. This is because the moral value that we have learn might control our emotion. It would stop us from starting argue with others. 
Some people are not really intended to argue with others. It just because of they are used to talk in the rude way to stimulate others angers. Besides, some of the people might think that quarrel with someone is a cool action in front of the girls. They thought they will have more powerful to talk with others. Furthermore, quarrel is a way to express our feelings and can even release stress. Therefore, some of the people argue with others probably because of they have to much stress that kept inside them. 
Quarrel is actually is not necessary things to be happen but an action that could be control.


Life has many obstacles that waiting for us to solve. We always like to wait for a chance for us to escape when we are facing problems. People like to look for a right chance to escape instead of solving problems. But why people always think that the some chance is the right chance for them? This is basically because of we do not want to try on different way to solve our problems. Probably they think that the things they have gone through is what they want. People tend to stick with the same method to solve their problems. They always wait for the same things to happen again to them. We should try on different way instead of following what our mind ask us to do.We never know which is right and which is wrong until we have tried. Probably the things that we did not want to try before is more suitable than what we always want to do. Therefore, it is always better to try different things instead of wait for the chance of what we want. Besides, there are no such things as chance, it just depends on whether we want to do it or not. Although there has a chance yet if we do not want to try, it would be a waste. Therefore, never wait for the chance to come, we should do whatever we can do and as much as we can do. There is a phrase of 'never try never know'. Which mean that we never know what is suitable for us until we try out different new things.

Wednesday 30 July 2014


Twinkle twinkle little stars. Even though I'm tiny but I play a quite important role at night. Star act as a lighthouse in the night sky. No matter how dark the sky is, there will be light. It refers to my thought, no matter how hard of the difficulties I face in life, I knew that there will be a way for me to solve these problems. There will be someone who lead to the correct way when I am lost in the dark. The light source from the stars is just like a hope for me. Hope of a bright future, hope of success. 

There are five main personality to describe me which are, sensitive, imaginative, easygoing, indecisive and possessive. These personalities complete me as one. It just like a star which is made up of five corners in the drawing. Without anyone of the corner, the star would not be complete; without anyone of the personality, I would not be complete. A flawless person does not have chance to improve while a person with flaw does. These good a bad personalities make me shine along the way to my perfection. 

Stars always whispering in the quiet night. It brings delight to the darkness of the sky. I like to bring laughter to the people surround me sometimes. When there is a clear sky, there will be shinning stars in the sky. When my sky is clear, there will be my friends and my laughter. I wouldn't hide for my feelings when I am in good mood. However, I would disappear in the air when my sky is cloudy. I will quiet and hide myself behind the people. Even though others could not see me in the sky, does not mean I am really disappear in the air. I just want to hide for some times, to prepare for the greatest performance among the people surround me. I will shine bright like a star.

Monday 21 July 2014

Human Being

People always like to believe in what they think and see rather than believe in the reality.

For an example, the youngster nowadays used to fall in love with a person who they never meet before on the social network. How do a person love someone that they not even meet once in real life? They maybe attracted by the photos that the person put in the social network. They impress by the face more than the attitude. Even though we might think that the photos is not real but we tend to believe it. Probably it is because of they think the person is their perfect soul mate that they want by looking at the photos.

Human used to imagine things to be more beautiful and flawless than what it really are. We used to think someone we do not know is a better perspective. For an example, thinking that the stranger has a good personality. This is because we do not know their past, therefore they are a brand new people for us to imagine and believe. We can form a new personality of a person that we want with our imagination. Even though we see the fact that they are not really a good person. However, we tend to believe in what we think at the first view. Furthermore, we even hope that the person will change to what we imagine.

Therefore, the first impression play a quite important to us in making new friends.