Tuesday 15 July 2014


Most of us have our own religion nowadays. Some of the people are very superstitious and strict to their religion. Different of God is existing in different religion. We believe in God and God is abstract. God is something we can't touch but feel. Religion taught us positively always when God is abstract. What if the god is not abstract? If God is still existing in our daily life and stay with us together. Do we still perceive him as a God?  If it is really exist in our daily life, God will truly react like what normally human will do, normal human being. We always think god is perfect just because of we cant see or feel it and it does not mean he is perfect and he wont make mistake. Therefore, if God is living together with us and there will be the his bad or weakness reveal by us. We probably will think he is just a normal person and not everyone will listen to him and believe in him. We might think what he said is useless. So, what make the God so powerful is because of we never see the weakness of him and the purity of God lead us to believe in him. Nobody know God is just as simple as a moral teacher in our primary or secondary school. Moreover, we tend to think God is existing just because of we got hope. We hope for something that we cant get or dint get it from God. Besides, we always think that God will give us health, wealth and everything because we think we deserve to have it. However in reality, everything we have to for strike it by ourselves and we shouldn't so rely on God. Probably God is not prefect too. 

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